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Plug plants for green roofs

Wildflowers for green roofs

A selection of attractive British wildflower plug plants suitable for green roofs. We've used these here at Habitat Aid HQ. They are well behaved, drought tolerant species which will give a long flowering period and attract insects. Several of these wildflowers are important butterfly and moth foodplants too.
Regular price
£105.00 per tray
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Prices include VAT (when applicable) and delivery to mainland UK.
Tray of 104 selected wildflower plug plants.

Wildflower plug plant selection for green roofs

These plug plants are selected from: Biting Stonecrop, Blue Fleabane, Buckshorn plantain, Common Catsear, Creeping Cinquefoil, Crested Dogstail, Crow garlic, Daisy, Dune Fescue, Evening Primrose, Field Poppy, Fox and Cubs, Greater Knapweed, Greater Mullein - Aarons Rod, Ground Ivy, Hawkweed, Hoary Cinquefoil, Jersey Thrift, Lady's Bedstraw, Lesser Knapweed, Maiden Pink, Marjoram, Meadow Clary, Oxeye daisy, Perforate St Johnswort, Purple Toadflax, Quaking Grass, Red Fescue, Red Valerian, Reflexed Stonecrop, Rock Rose, Salad Burnet, Sand Leek, Sand Sedge, Sea Campion, Sea Couch, Selfheal, Soapwort, Thrift, Thyme,Tower Mustard, Vervain, Vipers Bugloss,White Clover, Wild Basil, Wild Chamomile, Wild Clary, Wild Strawberry, Wild Wallflower, Woodsage, Yarrow, Yellow Toadflax.

These egg cup sized plants come in 6cm deep mixed trays of 104, meaning they are a perfect size for inserting directly into green roof planting medium. Our supplier recommends a higher concentration than for normal planting , so reckon on planting 10 per square metre. This equates to 1 tray for a small shed, 2 for a large shed or single garage, for example. 

All these plants are grown from guaranteed UK seed, most of which is collected by the suppliers themselves. They're grown without the use of peat, fungicides or pesticides.

If you buy multiple trays we will endeavour to include as many species as possible from the list. Please ask for a quote for large numbers.

We also supply an appropriate wildflower seed mixture. Where space is limited, particularly in urban environments, well planted green roofs can provide an excellent habitat, in addition to all their other advantages. These native British plants aren't just attractive and good sources of nectar, but they're also essential foodplants for butterfly and moth larvae.

We recommend a consultant who can design, supply and fit a wide variety of green roofs to suit your requirements. Contact us for further details.

Please note that this photo  - of Habitat Aid's own green roof - is for illustrative purposes only.

Grower: British Wildflower Plants