At The Bath and West Show

I had a great if knackering time at the Royal Bath and West Show last week. There were a few highlights on the stand, not least meeting Sophie Wessex, who seems genuinely interested in establishing a meadow at Bagshot Park. Hurrah! I enjoyed chatting to friends who this year included BBC Somerset's Emma Britton, Graham Langford the Poll Dorset man, Andrew Hecks, Martin Snell our Large Black pig breeder, Bernie "The Choirboy" Perkins, and various folk from the village. I met some nice new folk too, including local herbalist Zoe Hawes (author of the excellent "Wild Drugs") and the man from the impressive Bees Abroad. Thanks everyone for popping by. Apart from a brief visit to Orchard Pig I stayed clear of the cider tents this year, but had a lunchtime pasty and pint of Bath Ale's Summer's Hare - a lovely drop. As usual though the stars of the show were the animals...

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