Green Brexit Greenwash - and Some More Cheerful News
I have read a great deal about the government's plans for the environment - a Green Brexit. I have heard Michael Gove speak about it, earlier this year. I read my notes from that Conference over the weekend, to make sure I wasn't suffering from sudden onset early Alzheimers.
Yes, he did indeed promise a "global gold standard" in "strengthened environmental protection measures". He explicitly outlined the need for an environmental regulator "with teeth", backed by legislation. This Green Brexit was all somewhat unexpected but, on the face of it,rather exciting.
It turns out that after all these were - well - not promises. I'm not sure what they were. They actually... er... didn't represent government policy, but were aspirations, whatever on earth that means. The government has announced plans for a new regulatory body for the environment which is purely advisory. It cannot prosecute. What the hell use is this? It's like having a court which can't send offenders to jail. Gove has apparently caved in to pressure from the Treasury, who have always seen green regulation as a form of tax on business. Hideously regressive thinking.
Even if this plan is overturned in the Lords - and the signs are encouraging that it might be - I found this news profoundly depressing. Firstly, the Green Brexit landscape Gove has been talking about - aspirationally - will involve significant short term cost, for the tax payer and the consumer (for long term gain). If the Treasury baulks at the first step in this process, what chance does this vision have of coming to fruition? It has got two hopes, and Bob has just left the building.
Second off, Michael Gove presented his plans for the environment post Brexit as POLICY. It clearly wasn't, and he is no position to deliver them.
Thirdly, this kind of thing massively undermines public trust in the political process. It seems to happen repeatedly these days. People are fed up with being treated with this sort of contempt. Too many of our politicians don't seem to understand this, including, it seems, Michael Gove.
Moving on to more positive news.
One of the reasons I haven't written much recently is because I've been holding down two jobs. One for Habitat Aid, which pays the bills, and the other as a flag waver for the estimable Bumblebee Conservation Trust, for whom I'm a trustee. I've got a bit of a thing about bees generally, and I'm a big fan of the Trust for a variety of reasons. I've supported them through the business for 10 years now, and watched them do some really good things.
Photo: Stephen Vaughan
Anyway, I have been organising some events to raise their profile and some money for a new long term investment fund. We've been talking about the project to save the Shrill carder beetoo. These evenings have gone really well - due to the enthusiasm of the BBCT folk, those involved at the venues, the people who turned up and, most of all, those who signed the cheques. We've had nice fuzzy noises from some great and good who couldn't make the evenings but want to help. It has been tremendously heart warming and encouraging. Thank you all.