Seed orders dispatched following business day. Pond plant orders received today will be sent out on 18th September.

FAQs: All About Wildflower Seed

What is a wildflower meadow?

Meadows were grasslands which were mown for hay (and then removed) and thereafter - generally - grazed. They were "unimproved" - that's to say, they weren't treated with chemicals. This meant they had a range of mostly perennial wildflowers growing in them along with meadow grasses. Today, people also sow "pictorial meadows", which are comprised of a mix of native and non-native flowers.

Can you put wildflower seeds on a lawn?

Of course you can, but you have to have conditions which will suit, and take care - see our blog for details. Maybe plug plants might work better. Maybe, but maybe not. Please call us and we can talk you through it.

Is it difficult to make and manage a wildflower meadow?

There's a myth about this. The short answer is no, absolutely not - if you follow guidance. The major caveats to this are if you have fertile soil or a shaded site, in which case all bets are off.

What kind of seed should I use?

We have lots of different mixes, and have a guide as to what there is available in the market - the good, bad and ugly! The key thing is to find a nice wildflower heavy mix suitable for your soil.

How long does it take for wildflowers to grow from seed?

Annual wildflowers like poppies and cornflowers will flower around 60 days after seeding in spring. Perennials are very different, though. A few will flower in their first year but some won't even germinate until year two. Be patient.

When should I sow a wildflower meadow?

Sow when the soil is warm and moist. Historically, this can typically be March/April/May and in the autumn. We happily sow on lighter soils in September right through to the end of October (sometimes even longer), but on heavy wet clay don't sow after September. Autumn sowing is optimal - it's what nature does, after all. There as some species which need to get cold before they germinate.

Do wildflowers come back every year?

Yes and no. Wildflower seed mixes often contain annuals and perennials. Perennials will flower again and again, year after year. Simples. These are the plants of meadows. Annuals like poppies only flower once then conk out. If you then agitate the soil their seed will germinate and they'll flower the following year.

Will wildflowers grow in shade?

Yes, but not meadow species, which need full sun. You need more woodland edge plants.

How do you make a wildflower meadow?

Gosh - we've got loads of information on this one, including the pros and cons of wildflower turf.


We can find very few organically certified sites to harvest from, but most of the direct harvest mixes have very low or no chemical inputs. They may have no inputs other than from grazing livestock. Herbicides are sometimes selectively used in the production of some of the other seed mixes here. No insecticides or neonicotinoids are used in any.