Seed orders dispatched following business day. Pond plant orders received today will be sent out on 24th September.

FAQs: All About Woodland Trees

What are the fastest growing trees in the UK?

If you want a fast growing native tree you're spoilt for choice. Alder, aspen, black poplar, hawthorn, myrobalan, silver birch and willow would be our top tips.

When should you plant woodland trees?

We supply woodland trees "bare root" rather than pot grown, which is cheaper for you and makes better trees which establish quicker. They have to be dormant when lifted and planted, so plant from November until end March. If you're in an area of low rainfall - e.g. East Anglia - get them in earlier rather than later.

Do woodland trees need guards?

Unless you are planting into scrub or you have good fencing, I'm afraid so. There are so many deer around in particular young trees need protecting. The options are ghastly plastic, expensive fabricated wooden cages or even more expensive posh metal guards. Sorry about that. Make sure they're tall enough - we generally specify 1.2m.