Seed orders dispatched following business day. Pond plant orders received today will be sent out on 18th September.

Name That Ram

Poll Dorset Ram
Ern and I picked up our lovely Poll Dorset ram from the effervescent Graham Langford in the Blackdown Hills today. Here he is looking rather - well - sheepish (that's the ram, not Graham). To recap briefly, I've gone for Poll Dorsets not only because I think they're a cracking rare breed, but also because they will come into lamb at any time of the year. This means that not only are they superb for meadow management, but the lambs also reach higher prices at market. Lambs concieved now will graze the aftermath of the meadow after mowing and go to market in the New Year. We bought 5 ewes last year to get us started. Anyway, our ram needs naming. He has to begin with a K, so we've come up with a shortlist to choose from. If I've missed your favourite out please let me know and we might include it... Voting closes at midnight on Monday. Result is in! Kingsley snatched it from Kevin...
Poll Dorsets
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