National Honeybee Day: What We Need To Know

Dear Journalist Thank you SO much for writing about National Honeybee Day. To declare my interest, as a long time beekeeper, I do love honeybees. The Day was originally an American thing, and is celebrated on the 3rd Saturday of August (this year, the 18th). I'm not sure why. Anyway, it's a fab opportunity to inform people about honeybees. So let's do that. In which spirit, can I suggest some helpful guidelines for your supportive article? I appreciate that - particularly due to fake news and cuts in the newsroom - you might not be fully up to speed on honeybees.
National Honeybee Day I am a hard working honeybee
Firstly, please do make sure you know what a honeybee is. Is it a bumblebee? Is it a solitary bee? If no to either question, what's the difference? Secondly, are you absolutely sure that without honeybees mankind will end in four years? Who actually said this? Is it even a teensy weeny bit credible? Is mentioning it worth the bee truth squad coming over? I would really, really prefer it if I didn't have to send them round. Thirdly, are global honeybee populations going up or down? Why? Are honeybee populations in the UK going up or down? Why? What is the outlook? What is their history here? Fourthly, what is happening to bumblebees and solitary bees? WHICH ARE NOT HONEYBEES*. But I'd be interested to know about them. How important are they? Also other pollinators, come to think of it. Last off, what are we doing to help honeybees? What can we do to help? Don't just tell us which flowers to grow, although that's helpful. We all want to do more than just *Like* National Honeybee Day, and we understand they are going through tough times. And please, please not the sugar water thing. That will get you more than a brief enforcement visit. "Awesome". Thanks. *Sorry to labour the point, but it seems necessary.
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