Please visit our sister site British Wildflower Meadow Seeds if you want less seed than advertised here or if your intended purchases come to under our £100 basket minimum.
Berkshire Meadow Seed Mix
This lovely mix is harvested from the grounds of Highclere Castle. The castle stands on a chalk escarpment, so this mix is best for well drained calcareous sites.
The Earl of Carnarvon only established the meadow relatively recently, but the relatively low fertility soil and careful management have created an attracitve and diverse sward. It features some lovely grasses and many key species for chalk downland.
This mix is new to us and the harvesters are yet to give us a properly audited analysis of it, but we're confident it includes at least the species shown below, and at least 50% wildflowers.
This is a seed mix we also sell in smaller packets through our sister website, British Wildflower Seeds. You can buy 20g, 50g or 100g packets here.
Major Species:
Wildflower Seed (c.50%):
Achillea millefolium Yarrow
Centaurea nigra Red clover
Daucus carota Wild carrot
Galium verum Lady's bedstraw
Leucanthemum vulgaris Ox Eye daisy
Lotus corniculatus Birdsfoot trefoil
Medicago lupulina Black medic
Origanum vulgare Marjoram
Plantago lanceolata Ribwort plantain
Prunella vulgaris Self-heal
Ranunculus acris Meadow buttercup
Rhinanthus minor Hayrattle
Scabiosa columbaria Small scabious
Grasses (c.50%):
Dactylis glomerata Cocksfoot
Festuca spp. Fescue spp
Briza media Quaking grass
Other species are present in smaller quantities.
Supplier: Bright Seeds