If you're planting in a public space or somewhere with livestock you're going to need a properly serious guard to protect your new tree against damage. These galvanised weld mesh guards are ideal.
We offer two sizes - the standard 1.2m height or the extra tall 1.8m for protection against larger animals (like red deer) and more determined people. They are made from tough 12 gauge wire and a 30cm diameter. These guards will need stapling to a stake, which is included in the price, along with a 38cm x 25mm buckle tie.
These guards aren't appropriate for fruit trees (sorry - I know it's complicated!), as the rootstocks we use typically makes for trees which have lateral branches lower than the height of the guard. If you need to protect fruit trees from livestock it's a better idea to make your own guard.
The guards aren't the easiest thing to transport, so depending on the number you want, you might well find them arriving on a pallet.
Supplier : Green-tech