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Habitat Aid Ltd

Native Fern Collection

Native Fern Collection

12 native fern collection, including three of four species. Plants are in 9cm pots.
Regular price £110.00
Regular price Sale price £110.00
Sale Sold out
Taxes included.

Prices include VAT (when applicable) and delivery to mainland UK.

Fern Collection

We're delighted to be able to offer this collection of British native ferns - it seems to be difficult to find fern growers. They're perfect for moist shady spots, and an unusual addition to any wildlife garden. That's the ferns, not the growers. 

The current collection available is shown in the image attached, from front to back:

Maidenhair fern- Asplenium trichomanes

Hard shield fern-  Polystichum aculeatum

Harts tongue fern- Asplenium scolopendrium

Soft shield fern- Polystichum setiferum

Other species may be included at different times of year or on request: Common polypody, Male fern, Lady fern, Sword fern


Please ask for availability and pricing for larger numbers. 

All these plants are grown from guaranteed native seed, most of which is collected by the suppliers themselves. They're grown without the use of peat, fungicides or pesticides.

Grower: Blooming Wild Plant Nursery


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