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Habitat Aid Ltd

Ptelea trifoliata (Hop tree)

Ptelea trifoliata (Hop tree)

Regular price £75.00
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Ptelea trifoliata

Ptelea trifoliata (Hop tree)

Ptelea trifoliata, the hop tree, is an attractive small (growing to 6m) US native plant, where its seeds were used as a substitute for hops. It's in the citrus family, and, accordingly, is aromatic. This must account for two of its synonyms, stinking ash and skunk bush - neither thought up by the marketing department. Relatively disease free and easy to grow, will tolerate most conditions - it grows naturally on rocky mountainsides. It's slow into leaf, which is helpful in areas with late frosts. Honeybees love its yellow flowers, which are helpfully out during the "June gap". Its value for solitary and bumblebees is uncertain.

Size: 60-80cm root balled
Flowers: June-July
Soil type: Most well drained soils
Supplier : R.V.Roger
Root balled plants are only available from October to April.


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